Hello and thank you for looking at our high quality North American made products!
We're the manufacturer of the original catnip ball "Pawbreakers! The Catnip Candy for Cats", a solid ball of edible catnip (think catnip Jawbreaker). We've been in business for over 20 years, and sell to almost every continent on the planet. We're always looking for new distributors for profitable, long term relationships. We work with all customers large or small, and will work to make your ISO launch a success! Many of our distributors have realized RECORD sales.
Please feel free contact us anytime, and visit our website www.pawbreakers.com to see our small but iconic line of cat toy/treat combinations. We're preparing as well to launch some new lines in 2024-25!
Best Wishes,
Brett Buchanan
E.A.T.s. - Edible Animal Treats, Inc.
2727 E. Substation Rd.
Erie, MI 48133-9309
Toll Free: 1-877-Cat-Toy-1
Contact Details