EPO for your pet
Product News
2011-02-21 Vetraplus
EPO for your pet
Vetraplus is proudly to announce that Vetraplus EPO for pet is currently out in the market. As according to the American Veterinary Medical Association�s (AVMA) there are 60million dogs in United States and averagely they�ll need t o visit to the vet almost twice a year. Pet owner is spending even more on their four leg best friend on their nutrition diet program. Veterinarian recommends that dogs should nutritional management of diseases common to the aging process. Special nutrition can proactively prevent health problems common in dogs, such as Obesity, Loss of Muscle Mass, Inappropriate Elimination Behavior, Changes in Interactions, Changes in Activity Patterns, Unexplained Weight Loss or Gain, Changes in Food and Water Consumption, Changes in Grooming, Signs of Stress, Bad Breath or Odor. Anemia is commonly associated with specific diseases in dogs like chronic renal failure. A hormone called erythropoietin (EPO) is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the bone marrow to produce new red blood cells to replace old and worn ones in circulation. In diseases such as chronic renal failure, EPO levels may be decreased and anemia may develop as a result. Typical signs associated with anemia are decreased activity and poor appetite. Vetraplus it�s a company that supplies pet supplement. Ventraplus has been in the market since 2009. Our supplement includes Pet Milk Replacer for the young pups and cups and also EPO ( Evelyn Primrose Oil) for young to adult dogs and cats. Our new EPO comes with 500g which is 90 soft gel tablet for you four legs best friend. Vetraplus Pet Milk is high calcium for stronger bone, Omega 3 for healthy skin and coat, DHA for better brain development, low sugar content and soya milk causes less intolerance and allergy. Vetraplus uses all natural ingredient to produce all supplement. It is proven by Veterinary that it is safe for the pet to consume and it is also improves the pets health after consuming the supplement. Vetraplus Milk is not only for young pups and cups but it also suitable for adult dogs and cats.